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Dr. Carol Grant

Emotional Control

Characters representing emotions from the film Inside Out
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

How many emotions do you experience through out the day? Happiness, sadness, anger, there are so many feelings we have. As adults, we have learned (I hope) to control these emotions or at least channel them into an effective outlet. If an activity gives you joy, do more of it and share it with others. If it makes you angry, analyze why and either don’t do it anymore or modify the feeling.

Modification is the key to emotional control. A person doesn’t have the full capacity to plan, organize, initiate, self-monitor and control one's responses in order to achieve a goal until they are in their 20’s as the frontal lobes of their brains are not fully formed yet. So, until that point, young adults make decisions with their Limbic system or the emotional center of the brain. This is also the oldest part of our brains in terms of evolution and formation. This is why young adults sometimes make poor choices…sound familiar?

So, what is a coach to do? Well, understanding this concept can go a long way in helping students understand the ramifications of their behavior. Reminding them of the goals they have set and making sure they understand why they picked that goal will help them understand the decisions they have to make to achieve that goal. In other words, the coach is their “frontal lobe” until theirs is up to snuff.

In the meantime, if you would like to know more about Career coaching or would like to share your experience or thoughts on the above topic, comment below to this blog and let me know your story.

Until next time… remember to keep it all together.

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