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Dr. Carol Grant

Can I ever learn to dance?

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

I recently was cast in a small part in a big musical. I have a small speaking role and am in the ensemble which requires a lot of singing and dancing. I was excited about this until I started to try and learn the dancing. Oh boy, this is a problem. You see, I am slightly dyslexic especially with rights and lefts and I noticed that I get very dizzy turning. I feel like I am flopping all over. In other words, I don’t have good balance.

Balance is pretty important in life not only performing in musicals. It is important mentally too. You know the saying, “All work and no play etc.” As adults, we should recognize when we are over working or over involved in one thing, out of balanced. It is harder for kids to recognize this. So our job as coaches, teachers, parents and friends is to help students stay balanced. Yes, they have to work hard for grades, team sports and other things in school but they also have to have time to play. Of course they can’t do play stuff (especially video games) all the time either. Balance. Getting to know our students personal lives can be hard at first, but keeping at it, asking questions about their lives can help to know if they are out of balance. I am pretty sure once they recognize the challenge they will appreciate the guidance. Of course, getting them off their phones could be a challenge as well.

As adults, delegating jobs can help restore balance in our lives. Kids can learn to plan play time in with school work time. For both groups, stress will be lowered and the ability to enjoy life will be restored.

In the meantime, if you would like to know more about Career coaching or would like to share your story, comment below to this blog and let me know your story.

Until next time….I will work on my sense of balance. Will you?

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Elaine Thillen
Elaine Thillen
Oct 11, 2022

We live in a world where speed is the norm. Balance is difficult. I am reminded of the lyrics "Slow down you're moving to fast" When you cannot find a balance in your everyday life it's time to "make the morning last". Kick down the cobble stone. Yes, I'm looking for fun & feeling groovy! Make your day by doing one good thing well. And keep singing!


Oct 08, 2022

Life is a tight rope, one step, one day at a time. Balance is critical!!


Dave Thillen
Dave Thillen
Oct 08, 2022

In my opinion, part of achieving balance is to plan for it. Having goals in various areas of our lives such as health, personal growth, family & friends, financial and spiritual. Having specific measurable objectives under each area can help us achieve the right balance individually. I agree with the blog, we have to keep working on it because it is important.

A student holds two Dave Dollars

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