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Dr. Carol Grant

What is your perspective?

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

A hand holds a glass orb which inverts perspective

As a career coach, each week I receive an email from Ms. Marjorie about what is happening with the students. I especially enjoy reading the SEL section. Social Emotional Learning is a topic that is new to me. In other words, I never had any of that information given to me when I was in high school. What a great opportunity students have today to learn such important concepts.

This week was a continuation of the Attitude of Gratitude Mindset. I think I have talked about this in previous blogs but Marjorie discussed it in such a great way. She wrote about the importance of “Elevating Our Perspective.”

As adults and young adults, we can all think of difficult times or circumstances. During difficult times, it can be hard to think about the positive outcomes that result from those challenges. Elevating your perspective means looking back on that difficult time and thinking about what you learned or the good that came from it. When you do this, you are able to learn and grow! This week, focus on what positives that arise from life’s challenges.

I am sure we all realize that failure or difficult times are often the first step (or second or third) to a successful outcome. That difficulty may be just what we needed to change our direction slightly to end up with an incredible end point. I am so glad that the students are learning about that. From my perspective, I have always found that the right path is frequently smoother than struggling to make something happen that isn’t what we are supposed to do. Maybe you have found something similar.

In the meantime, if you would like to know more about Career coaching or would like to share your experience, comment below to this blog and let me know your story.

Until next time… learn from our difficulties!

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Feb 21, 2023

I particularly like this Blog #15. It's something we all should keep in mind in our ever-expanding social lives. Thanks Carol!


Dave Thillen
Dave Thillen
Feb 21, 2023

There are many ways to look at everything in life. There is always at least one way that is positive and will lead to progress.

A student holds two Dave Dollars

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