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Dr. Carol Grant

What’s better: An ending or a beginning?

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Well, another end of the school year is upon us and for me it is a little bittersweet. Bitter because it is an ending to a year that saw a closer relationship with my students, a lot of growth for them both physically, mentally and emotionally and an end to their last year as an underclassman. My students will be seniors next year and this is the beginning of adulthood in my opinion. They are 17/18 years old, old enough to vote, to open saving accounts on their own and so much more. They will be working over the summer and now my job shifts to help them understand finances, how to save and again, so much more. This will be a busy upcoming year.

While I love these students that I am working with now, I also am looking forward to a beginning with the next group of kids I will work with. I am already thinking about how I can be better, how to establish a relationship faster, how I can identify issues and how to resolve them on my own. I asked a lot of question the past 3 years and now I feel like maybe I won’t have to ask so many.

I don’t think I am the only one asking questions, so I would like to thank all the various administrator who have helped me and all of the coaches help the students. You all know who you are…Thank you for all you have done. We appreciate it all. Without you, I don’t think I would have been able to coach as well as I did.

In the meantime, if you would like to know more about Career coaching or would like to share your experience or thoughts on the above topic, comment below to this blog and let me know your story.

Until next time… savor your ending and look forward to your next beginning!

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